Christophe Chambon Osteopath

Mozart Center

40 Rue Paul Déroulède 06000 Nice


04 93 04 93 65

Rates and

Photo osteopathic treatment prices
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The first consultation is of particular importance, as it allows me to take the time to get to know you, to understand the specific needs of the child and the adult, and to make contact, if necessary, with the treating physicians. Generally, I invite you to allow an extra 15 minutes.

Consultation rates

Children's osteopathy page BD PIED


Consultation d’ostéopathie
75 € à 85 €
Horaires particuliers, urgence, demande spéciale… 
80 € à 100 €
Consultation d’ostéopathie avec un de mes collaborateurs
>  6
0 € la semaine et à 70 € le samedi
Consultation à domicile  Tarif sur demande 
150 € à 200 €

Ces honoraires vous sont communiqués à titre indicatif par le praticien. Ils peuvent varier selon le type de soins finalement réalisés en cabinet, le nombre de consultations et les actes additionnels nécessaires.
En cas de dépassement des tarifs, le praticien doit en avertir préalablement le patient.

Reimbursements and health insurance

ADULT CARE page back pathology

It is important to note that osteopathic consultations are not reimbursed by Social Security or CMU.
However, many mutual insurance companies offer partial or total reimbursement of consultation fees.
This reimbursement depends on your mutual insurance company and your contract.
We advise you to contact your mutual insurance advisor to find out about your reimbursement conditions.

You can also opt for insurance valid for one year which covers several alternative medicines: for example, up to 6 osteopathic sessions at 40 euros are reimbursed each year.

Contact your osteopath

Can't find your answer? Don't hesitate to contact us or make an appointment at our Centre Mozart surgery in Nice.

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